The site belongs to R2L, whose head office is located at the following address: 129 Traverse du Doucillon 83260 LA CRAU. The SIRET number is as follows: 911 263 986.

The director of publication: Lionel Cambriels.

La responsable de l’administration du site: Lionel Cambriels.


The site is hosted by the company LWS (Ligne Web Services), whose head office is located at the following address: 10, RUE PENTHIEVRE 75008 PARIS – FRANCE


By using the website, you fully and completely accept the general conditions of use specified in the legal notices. Accessible to all types of visitors, it is important to specify however that an interruption for maintenance of the website can be decided by the administrator.

In accordance with its communication policy, the site aims to inform users about the services offered by the company, which then strives to provide accurate information. However, inaccuracies or omissions may exist; R2L can in no way be held responsible for any error present on the site.


The information transcribed on the website is subject to qualitative procedures, in order to ensure its reliability. However, the company could not incur any liability in the event of technical inaccuracies in our explanations. If you notice an error concerning information, do not hesitate to report it by email to: contact[at]


The information transcribed on the website is subject to qualitative procedures, in order to ensure its reliability. However, the company could not incur any liability in the event of technical inaccuracies in our explanations. If you notice an error concerning information, do not hesitate to report it by email to: contact[at]

PERSONAL DATA, COMPUTER LAW AND FREEDOMS collects and processes personal data (surname, first name, e-mail address, telephone, etc.) that Internet users voluntarily communicate to it by completing the contact form or subscription to newsletters, excluding any commercial solicitation .

These data are intended for R2L. They are placed under the responsibility of the Head of Data Collection and Processing Manager, who takes care to implement precautions to ensure their security and confidentiality and to prevent them from being damaged, modified, destroyed or communicated. to unauthorized third parties.
They are kept until the user requests to unsubscribe, except for browsing data which is kept for a maximum of 13 months.
The data is not communicated to third parties, excluding any partners who are then required to ensure its security and confidentiality and may only access it or make any use of it on the instructions of R2L.

In this regard, R2L informs you that the personal data thus collected is hosted on the database of our Website as well as on our internal backups and kept on the territory of the European Union.

In addition, R2L informs you that you have a right of access, modification, a right to be forgotten for which you can formulate advance directives on the fate of your data in the event of death, as well as a right of opposition to the processing of personal data concerning you that you can exercise at any time by sending a letter to:

R2L – Data Collection and Processing Manager – 129 Traverse du Doucillon 83260 LA CRAU or, by sending an e-mail to: contact[at]

Browsing Cookies (“Cookies”)
By browsing the site, the user also accepts the possible installation of cookies on his computer, which consist of a text file deposited on your hard drive by the site server. An anonymous identifier is assigned to each cookie which therefore does not allow you to be identified.

When you browse the Site, it issues cookies:
– functional, intended to personalize your browsing or to benefit from certain functionalities; some disappear the moment you leave the site, while others remain on your device until they are deleted by you or until the end of the device's life.
– analytical, to measure the audience of the site and thus contribute to improving navigation on the site.

When you first connect, you are expressly asked to accept cookies. Your refusal may modify your conditions of access to content or prevent you from accessing certain services; In this case, R2L declines all responsibility for the consequences linked, as a result, to degraded operation.

You can exercise your choice according to the browser you use and change this choice at any time by modifying its parameters. To express your choice, you must refer to the dedicated section of your browser, for example:
• for Chrome
cliquer ici pour le lien vers Chrome – Supprimer, autoriser et gérer les cookies
• for Internet Explorer
cliquer ici pour le lien vers Internet Explorer  – Supprimer et gérer les cookies
• for Firefox
cliquer ici pour le lien vers Firefox – Activer et désactiver les cookies


These conditions of use and the site are subject to French law. Any dispute relating to these terms of use and the site will fall under the jurisdiction of the courts of Toulon.